Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How to get families to go to weekly Mass

I am new to the Diocesan School Board, but one question I keep hearing is, “How do we get families to attend mass?”  This is a common theme for our schools and our parishes. Prior to joining the school board, I admit, I didn’t realize this was a problem. I am starting to see a pattern and thought it was something we could talk about.

Every family is busy. Every family has activities on Saturday morning, and Sunday is their only morning to sleep in. Any family with active children has the same response. Well, last time I checked we had various mass times. I can’t tell you what will work for your families, but let me share with you what works with mine.

My oldest son, Jack, is an altar server. My husband, Eric is a Eucharistic minister. Both of these roles require us to go to mass. I am not saying that everyone should volunteer for these positions, but this was a choice my family has made. My son wanted to be an altar server. My husband was looking for a way to be more active in our parish and honestly this was the least time commitment. 

We tend to like the Saturday night mass for a few reasons.

1.   Saturday night mass is a shorter mass. I don’t know why, but it is. I know this isn’t supposed to matter, I am there for God. I am giving him a small portion of my time for all he does for me.  However, when you have small children those extra 10 minutes can be a lifesaver.

2. After the Saturday mass they sometimes have wine. Go on Sunday morning and all you see is coffee and donuts, go Saturday night, you are served wine and cheese. This works as an appetizer, a nice way to start the evening.

3.     We like to go out to dinner after mass. We are all dressed up and looking pretty good, so we take advantage and take our kids out to dinner. Anywhere but McDonalds will do.

Now these reasons might not work for your families, but what does work?  I heard of parishes where if students wear their uniforms to Mass, they receive a free dress coupon. Sometimes just getting the children to ask their parents to take them is a big step. If they ask over and over again, the parents just might take them. At our children's school, a teacher assigned “going to mass” as homework.  Not sure if this will always work, but it did make my son think that going to Mass was required. 

What works at your school or parish?  How are you getting families to weekly mass?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Are you going to the Night of Hope?

The Annual Night of Hope is October 26th.  Are you going?  Does your school have a table?  I am going.  I have only been once, 2 years ago as a guest of a friend.  We had a lovely time, although I didn’t know too many people with the exception of my Parish Priest, Principals, and the friend who invited me.  This year I am hoping to know more people and maybe even meet some of you!

I know some people look at these nights as work.  I enjoy these nights way too much.  I love dressing up and going out all fancy with my husband.  We don’t always have occasions to get all-fancy, so I take advantage of it. 

I also love learning about other schools and students and how our schools are preparing these young people.  I am amazed at how brilliant our students are.

This year the committee has been hard at work planning the big event.  There are some surprises that they are not sharing, so I cannot wait to see them on the big night. 

This night showcases our schools and their achievements.  We are fortunate to have so many wonderful Catholic Schools in our Diocese.  This night lets us see how every school is a little bit different, but yet we all have the same common goal. 

Don’t forget to “like” the Night of Hope on Facebook.

Are you planning on going to the Night of Hope?  Maybe we can meet!