Monday, June 18, 2012

Every school in the diocese struggles with the question of how to increase their parish and community’s participation in the tax credit program. Back in March, Fr. Tom Eckert, pastor at St. John Vianney, spoke at the Pastor Appreciation Luncheon and shared his best practices for increasing tax credit support in his parish. Perhaps some of these ideas can be adapted as you look for ways to increase participation in the tax credit program for your school.

·         He uses both a rifle and a shotgun approach—he “sprays and prays,” sharing the needs of the parish and school to everyone and hoping they hear it; and he also targets his message to appropriate prospects.
·         The parish has both a fall and a spring campaign, one that ends on December 31 and another that ends on Tax Day, April 15.
·         He offers a special blessing one weekend at each Mass for every donor where they stand, are acknowledged, and then he blesses them.
·         He hosts an appreciation breakfast exclusively for tax credit contributors. (Never underestimate the power of a thank you!)
·         He briefs every person who heads up a ministry in his parish about the program, because he wants them to know what’s happening and to be aware of how increasing the participation in the program benefits the school and the whole parish.
·         He visits the fireman at the local Fire Station, salutes them for their work, shares with them what the parish is doing, and then explains how the tax credit helps low-income families in the community, inviting them to consider participating.
·         The parish puts monthly inserts and flyers in the bulletin, along with actual donation forms for CEA.
·         Promotes local CPA advertisers in the bulletin as a way to help everyone get educated on the tax benefits of the tax credit.

We have to keep getting the word out about the benefits of the tax credit! The key is to get your community educated. Remember, you can always get information and more tips on spreading the word from the nice folks at Catholic Education Arizona.